Seminar S11

Veterinary Role in Helping Farms to Meet and Excel in Welfare Audits

Fee: $300 Limit: 30
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 21, 2022  8:00:00 AM - 5:00:00 PM
Coordinators: Greg Crosley
Faculty: Dannielle Spackman
Room: Convention Center 202A

Attendees will receive protocols which can be adapted to their farms. They will be exposed to ways of training employees, documenting welfare practices, corrective actions when things inevitably go wrong, day of audit role for the veterinarian, role of leadership by action, role of training and building relationships with employees in their native language, and keeping the enthusiasm for programs current. In addition, a review will be given of the auditing agencies and their particular bias.

Comments/Suggestions/Problems should be directed to Steve Johnson

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