AABP Foundation Cattle Welfare Research Grant
Request for Proposals for Cattle Welfare Research

The American Association of Bovine Practitioners Foundation announces the availability one grant supporting clinical research on cattle welfare. The grant will be for up to $25,000. These projects are funded by the AABP Foundation which is supported by member donations. Proposals may address beef, dairy or both. Proposals should be aimed at providing clinically relevant information on the impact of management on cattle welfare that cattle veterinarians and producers can utilize in beef or dairy production environments.
The proposal should include the title, a one-page description of the proposed study, a detailed experimental protocol (no more than two pages, which includes contributions of each investigator), a budget (including justification for all expenses), and a list of investigators with a brief (2 page maximum per investigator) biographical sketch of each investigator. Salary replacement for faculty members, post-docs or graduate students, indirect costs or scientific equipment will not be supported.
At least one
of the investigators must be an AABP member. Proposals will be ranked by the Board of the AABP Foundation for bovine practice relevance. Top ranking proposals will then be reviewed by experts in the area of study and following review, the AABP Foundation Board will select the projects to fund. Projects likely to be funded by corporate or industry sponsors are not likely to be prioritized. In judging between proposals
of similar merit, preference will be given to proposals from researchers
who are starting their careers or from private practitioners and proposals for which AABP Foundation funds can serve
as seed money to attract other grants.
Upon selection, the AABP Foundation will release 80% of the project funds. The remaining 20% of funds will be released after the following has been satisfied:
- Project has been completed.
- Results of the project are presented at an AABP annual conference.
- Submission of the results for publication in a peer reviewed journal. Investigators are encouraged to submit their results for publication in the AABP Bovine Practitioner.
Proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, December 30, 2022. Proposals MUST be submitted online. Questions may be addressed to the AABP Office at fred@aabp.org.
Becky Funk
Chair, AABP Foundation
Applicants must:
- Download a template Welfare Research Word Document, and complete and save as PDF
Name the PDF document yourname.PDF (ex. JohnSmith.PDF).
The proposal shall include:
- Title
- Description of the Proposed Study (Maximum of
one page)
- Detailed Experimental Protocol (No more than
two pages, which includes the contributions of each investigator)
- Budget (Including justification for all expenses)
- List of Investigators (Provide a brief (maximum
of 2 pages) biographical sketch for each investigator)
- Complete the online application (are now closed)
form. You will upload the PDF file within the application form.
- Evaluation criteria and scoring system.
- Notification: Candidates will be notified of the
Committee's decision by July 31.