The Future Begins Today
One of the most enjoyable things I have been able to do since being involved in AABP leadership is attend the Recent Graduate Conference. This year in Norman, Okla. there were 242 registered veterinarians attending and 26 companies purchased booths. These new cattle veterinarians are excited about the field they have chosen, and their excitement is infectious. It’s very encouraging to watch new friendships being formed, ideas and techniques being exchanged, and mutual problems being solved.
The program committee is made up of recent graduates, so they have a good idea of what topics their CE needs to cover. Many of our colleagues in attendance have been to multiple of these conferences, and a frequent comment is that it is the best conference they attend because it teaches them exactly what they need in their young careers. One recent graduate I met has been successful enough that she has hired an associate – and felt this meeting was so important that they shut down their practice so both veterinarians could attend. What a powerful statement to the significance of this conference!
I wish there was a way for more “non-recent” graduates to have the fly-on-the-wall experience that I have had by being at this conference. I’m impressed with how many young, solo practitioners who attend, but I’m also pleased to see a large number of associate veterinarians from multi-doctor practices. Thank you to all those AABP members who make it possible for their recent graduate associates/partners to attend this meeting. I believe that this conference will continue to grow, as the attendees will most certainly make an effort to allow their recent graduate associates to attend in the future.
Recent graduates are no longer students in the formal sense, but the desire they have to learn and improve might even exceed the students’ desire. When I was in practice, I was blessed to have some excellent experiences with students – high school, undergrads, veterinary students. The profound effects that we, as professionals, can have on students and recent graduates is nothing to take for granted. We are looked up to and trusted. We never want to lose that respect.
To harken back to my previous president’s message, the habits we have as mentors are the habits our associates will most likely develop. If you’re a practice owner who made it possible for your associate to attend the Recent Graduate Conference, I want to thank you and I encourage you to meet with your associates and discuss the conference. Ask them to describe a new idea, technique or thought process that they picked up and how it could be applied to your practice. Find out how much they valued the experience. Share this information with colleagues at neighboring practices. Giving your recent graduates the opportunity to attend this conference, I believe, is one of the best ways to show that you value them.
Now, I would like to address student AABP members directly. If you are reading this, I assume your plan is to be a bovine practitioner (not that I encourage you to make assumptions). As you prepare to set up internships, interviews, practice visits, etc., please make sure that you understand the practice’s policy on continuing education. Get a feel for the attitude on CE – is it something that they “have” to do or is it something that they “get” to do? Ask if the practice owners or associates are AABP members. If they aren’t, find out why. Let them know from the start that you would be very interested in attending the AABP Recent Graduate Conference. From what I have seen, it will be of tremendous value for you and your practice.
I have spoken at the Recent Graduate Conference, and as a member of the AABP Executive Committee, I have attended several more. It’s hard to leave this conference without being enthused for the future of our profession. I hear the same thing from other speakers of, shall we say, a similar vintage as me. Frankly, I’m not sure who to credit for coming up with the idea of the Recent Graduate Conference, but I do believe that it is one of the best ideas AABP has ever had, and has helped to ensure the longevity of bovine veterinary medicine. Remember: “The future begins today, not tomorrow.”
Dr. Dave Sjeklocha