AABP Student Membership
Student members shall be veterinary students at AVMA-accredited colleges
of veterinary medicine. Students may form affiliated student chapters, however, students must join AABP to receive AABP benefits (please allow 3 business days for membership processing).
Dues for student members are $30.00 US per year (July 1- June 30). Join AABP.
Benefits to student members of AABP
- Dues of only $30 per year.
- Free pre-registration at AABP’s Annual Conference as a student.
- Dues are free for the first year following graduation upon completion of the Student Graduate Survey, updating your contact inforomation and emailing the office that you have completed tasks..
- Students have electronic access to all AABP
- Eligibility to apply for all of the AABP Foundation-sponsored scholarships.
- Eligibility to apply for all of the AABP Foundation-sponsored externships and education grants.
- Student chapters are eligible to apply for $500 grants from AABP to
fund local chapter-sponsored events, speakers, etc. This form should be sent to your district director for approval.
- Eligibility to compete in the Student Case Presentation Competition.
- Eligibility to compete in the annual Quiz Bowl at the annual conference.
- Subscription to AABP-L, a world-wide electronic listserve/discussion
group for food animal practitioners.
- Access to the AABP’s online jobs and externship database.