AABP Guidelines and Position Statements

AABP Board Policy for Guidelines and Position Statements


AABP guidelines and position statements are publicly available and serve to provide the expertise of our organization on a variety of topics of importance to cattle veterinarians and the dairy and beef industries. Guidelines and position statements are reviewed on a periodic basis following a member comment period, by relevant committees and approved by the AABP Board of Directors. Guidelines provide a detailed “how-to” guide for various topics and procedures. Position statements are used for advocacy to reflect the organization’s stance on a particular topic.


AABP Guidelines

Care and Disposition of Non-Ambulatory and Injured Ambulatory Cattle Guideline (April 2020) ENGLISH    SPANISH

Castration Guidelines (March 2024) ENGLISH    SPANISH   

Credentialed Veterinary Technicians in Bovine Practice (March 2024)

Dehorning Guidelines (November 2019) ENGLISH    SPANISH

Drug Use Guidelines for Bovine Practice (February 2023)

Establishing and Maintaining the Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship in Bovine Practice (March 2020)

Key Elements for Implementing Antimicrobial Stewardship Plans in Bovine Veterinary Practices Working with Beef and Dairy Operations (March 2022)

Humane Euthanasia of Cattle Guidelines (March 2023)

Joint AABP-AVC Foreign Animal Disease Task Force: Protecting the Veterinary Business (Aug 2022)

Joint AABP-AVC Judicious Therapeutic Use of Antimicrobials in Cattle Guideline (March 2024)     

Principles of Animal Welfare (March 2021)

Transportation of Cattle (August 2019) ENGLISH  SPANISH


AABP Position Statements

Aminoglycoside use in Cattle (February 2023)

Antimicrobial Resistance (March 2025)

Cattle Vaccine (July 2023)

Consumption of Unpasteurized (Raw) Milk (Nov 2023)

Disclosure of BVD PI Animals (March 2024)    

Establishment of a Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (Sept 2023)

Medically Important Antimicrobials in the Prevention of Calf Diarrhea (2024)

Raised Without Antibiotics (March 2022)

Surgery (February 2023)

Tail Docking (March 2021)

Transrectal Palpation and Ultrasound (March 2024)    

Use of Credentialed Veterinary Technicians in Bovine Practice (Sept 2023)