2025 AABP Annual Amstutz
Scholarship Auction

The Amstutz Live and Silent Auction will once again be held at the 2025 AABP Annual Conference.

A silent auction will take place on Thursday and Friday in the exhibit hall. A live auction will be held during the Friday night social event sponsored by Zoetis

View This Year's Auction Items


Live Auction
During the Friday Night Social Event, a live auction will be held as part of the evening festivities. The order of the Live Auction items in this list may not be the order in which the items are auctioned.

Live Auction Rules:
All bids will be final and the winning bid determined by the auctioneer.

  1. DO NOT BRING LIVE AUCTION ITEMS TO THE CONFERENCE. Donors are responsible for shipping costs and shipping items to the winning bidders. International buyers (outside of U.S. and Canada) of items must pay for their own shipping.
  2. Payment in full must be made at the time of purchase. Payment can be made via the AABP Amstutz Auction website.
  3. For consortium/group bidding of live auction items, please follow these rules.


Silent Auction

Poster with pictures and descriptions of all silent auction items will be displayed in the exhibit hall during all exhibit hall hours. Bid sheets will accompany each poster where conference attendees can view previous bids and make new bids. Bidding will be done with bid numbers printed on attendees name badges..


Winners of the items will be able to pay for their purchase via this AABP Amstutz Auction website. Donors and winning bidders will be notified post conference to make arrangements for shipment from the donors.

Silent Auction Rules:

  1. DO NOT BRING SILENT AUCTION ITEMS TO THE CONFERENCE. Donors are responsible for shipping costs and shipping items to the winning bidders. International buyers (outside of U.S. and Canada) of items must pay for their own shipping.
  2. Silent Auction bidding will be done in person in the back of the Exhibit Hall on Thursday and Friday of the convention. You do not have to be present to win a silent auction item.
  3. The successful silent auction bidder shall be the last bidder with the highest bid when the silent auction closes.
  4. To find out if you are the winning bidder of a silent auction item, view the Amstutz Auction website after 4:15 pm Friday.
  5. Successful bidders can make payment (after 4:15 pm Friday) via the Amstutz Auction website.
  6. Secure payment can be made via credit card through the website.
  7. Items will be shipped to successful bidders by item donors after the conference.