Research Summary Abstract Submission Form
Research projects
having direct application to the health, welfare and productivity of cattle
or small ruminants are being solicited for presentation at the Research Summaries (oral presentations)
and Scientific Poster Sessions for the 2025 Annual Conference. The conference will be held September 11-13, 2025 in Omaha, Nebraska. Project summaries focused on all areas of bovine or small ruminant health,
welfare and production are welcome including pharmacology, epidemiology,
medicine, surgery, economic analysis, pathology, pre-harvest food safety,
diagnostics and health monitoring. Projects should have relevance to practitioners and may be broadly applicable or more specifically applicable.
Abstracts which provide
results and conclusion of completed work will receive more favorable consideration
than those which report work in progress that is to be completed in the
near future but prior to the Annual Conference. In those situations with
work in progress at the time of abstract submission, the authors should
provide as much information as possible and any credible assurances about
expectations of final results and conclusions. All abstracts
must be submitted by April 11, 2025 at 5:00 pm Eastern to be considered for the
AABP Research Summaries. Notification of acceptance or not-acceptance will be sent to all
submitters after June 1. All submissions must be made online; no hard
copy abstract submissions will be considered.
The following are the guidelines for abstract submission:
Abstracts should have four distinct sections:
1. Introduction. Appropriate description of the problem
or rationale for the study (including pertinent literature review).
2. Materials and methods. Pertinent methodological
conditions, such as: population, sample selection, study design, instrumentation,
methodology used, assessment of methodology, data collection, and data
3. Results. Should be compiled, condensed, and clearly
presented. Only data relating to the objectives should be reported.
Statistical inferences shall be sufficiently detailed to authenticate
interpretation of the data.
4. Conclusion/significance. A clearly stated conclusion
which provides a general interpretation of the significance of the results
is essential.
An abstract is unacceptable if it:
1. Does not state a clear objective.
2. Includes no data or statements related to the objectives.
3. Presents data without appropriate statistical analyses or measurements
of data variability.
4. Contains grammatical or typing errors.
5. Fails to comply with submission requirements.
Please follow this link for an
example abstract.
All abstracts accepted for the oral presentation should
prepare a 12 minute presentation, leaving 3 minutes for questions or discussion.
If you are selected to present an abstract in the oral or poster presentations, you must register for the conference and pay any associated
registration fees. Any presenter who has not registered for the conference by August 1, 2025 will be withdrawn from the program. All presentations will be in-person. There is no option for virtual presentations.
The 12 Graduate Student abstracts that receive the highest score in the written abstract evaluation will advance to the Graduate Student oral presentation competition. Please note that only 12 graduate student presentations will be selected for the competition. Graduate Student competition presentations will be scored at the conference. Winners will be announced at the Annual Business Lunch and Awards Presentation on Saturday September 13, 2025. First place prize is $1500, 2nd place is $1000 and 3rd place award is $500.
The scoring rubric to evaluate written abstract submissions and the Graduate Student competition oral presentation is as follows:
Clear and concise methods (1 to 10 points)
Sufficient detail and clarity to describe materials and methods (1 to 10 points)
Study design and statistical
analysis are appropriate (1 to 10 points)
Results summarized and clearly stated (1 to 10 points)
Appropriate conclusions drawn from results (1 to 10 points)
Additionally, evaluators will determine if the research is relevant to the AABP audience. If yes, the abstract will be considered for oral and/or graduate student competition. If no, then the abstract will only be considered for a poster.
Abstracts accepted for a poster should follow the guidelines
for preparing their poster.
Instructions for completing the abstract submission
- Please enter the appropriate
information in the fields below.
- Use the TAB key to move
between fields.
- To start over, click on
the "Clear Form" button at the bottom.
- When the form is completed,
click on the "Preview Abstract" button to preview what your
abstract will look like, and if satisfied, Click the Submit button to
enter it in the AABP database.
- All fields identified with an
asterisk (*) are required as a part of the submission process.
- You will be notified by email
about the status of your presentation.
- Capitalize the first letter of the first word of the
title, proper names, and genus. Place genus and species in italics