Nutrition Committee

This committee shall apprise the Board and membership with regard to issues pertaining to bovine nutrition in all sectors including feedlot, cow-calf and dairy. The committee will be called upon by the AABP Program Committee to recommend appropriate nutrition topics and speakers for the annual meeting. The committee will review evaluations of all preconference seminars offered at the annual meeting and make recommendations on quality and content to the Program Committee. In addition, it will provide abstracted research reports and/or original articles for printing in the AABP newsletter and seek to influence and promote the incorporation of nutrition into the veterinary curriculum in North American veterinary colleges. Finally, the committee shall ensure the continued AABP representation on the American Feed Industry Association's Nutrition Council and formulate and provide recommendations to the Board.

AABP Members should Log On to view entire Committee Membership Roster (with terms and term number).


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Name Term End Term Num
Michael S. B. Steine (Chair)  2025 2