Donate item to 2025 Amstutz Auction


Thanks for donating an item to the 2025 Amstutz Scholarship Live and Silent Auction to be held at the AABP Annual Conference. Your donation supports the future of bovine medicine.

Auction donations must be submitted online by July 26, 2025 5:00 PM EST. AABP will decide which items will be in the silent and live auctions. Please DO NOT BRING DONATED ITEMS to the Annual Conference. Donors are responsible for shipping and shipping cost of their item directly to the winning bidder after the conference. Donors and winning bidders will be notified post conference to make arrangements for shipment from the donors.

Please complete the following fields about your donation. Contact Geni Wren ( if you have questions:

Student Chapter Name donating item:
Student Contact Name:
Name of item:  
Description of item (please be as specific including color/size as possible and limit to 150 words):
Best estimate of Fair Market Value ($) of item: $
First photo of item (a JPG 200 kb or greater): (JPG or PNG ONLY)
Second photo of item (a JPG 200 kb or greater): (JPG or PNG ONLY)
Third photo of item (a JPG 200 kb or greater): (JPG or PNG ONLY)
Logo of donating company (if applicable) (200 kb or greater): (JPG or PNG ONLY)
Choose ONLY one.

As the person responsible for submitting this donation, I Agree:
To ship the donated item to the buyer at the donor's expense after the auction in a timely fashion. Post-conference the AABP office will send each donor their buyer's contact information.
To NOT bring the item to the auction site.
That there is no additional obligation on the part of AABP, such as cost-sharing of the item, with the donor.
To leave the assignment of the item in the silent or live auction to the discretion of AABP.
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